Schedule Your Child’s Routine Dental Visit This Summer

Mom, dad and two daughters.

Summer is right around the corner, which means cookouts, pool parties, and. . . dentist visits? Going to the dentist may not appear on your list of things to do over summer break, but there are many reasons why it’s a great time to schedule your kid’s next routine appointment.

No School

The most obvious perk of scheduling a dentist appointment during the summer break is that your child won’t have to be pulled out of school. The summer months offer a helpful level of flexibility, making it easier for you to find an appointment without your kid having to miss any class.

Time for Follow Up

Along those same lines, it’s helpful to schedule your child’s routine dental visit at the beginning of summer just in case we find something that requires a follow-up appointment. If your child has to have a cavity filled or get their wisdom teeth taken out, we have a better chance of scheduling that procedure before they have to go back to school. Not only does this help their attendance record, but it also means that they have plenty of time to recover at home.

Instill Important Oral Hygiene Habits

When your kid is in school, do you ever feel like their brain is on overload and it’s hard for them to retain important information? With everything that they are learning in class and all of the extracurricular activities, it can be hard to get new info to really sink in. Summer presents a great opportunity to reemphasize the importance of brushing and flossing twice daily while your child is on a break.

Kid-Friendly Dentistry in Holly Springs, NC

At Springs Village Dentistry, we love teaching children the importance of oral health from an early age. Summer is also a great time to get your athletes fitted with custom mouth guards to protect them from sports injuries. To make things easy for you, we offer extended hours on Mondays and Tuesdays and even have Saturday appointments available. Be sure to schedule your child’s summer check-up and cleaning today!

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