According to the CDC, around 1 in 10 Americans have diabetes. Around 1 in 3 have prediabetes, which is when you have elevated blood sugar levels not high enough for a diabetes diagnosis. Long-term effects of diabetes include an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, as well as problems with the nerves, kidneys, feet, and eyes. Your oral health is affected, too!
High Blood Sugar increases your risk of cavities
The bacteria that live in your mouth use sugar for food. When they eat, they produce acid that damages your teeth. High blood sugar levels, which are caused by diabetes, give this bacteria more fuel. Because diabetes increases your cavity risk, it’s especially important to maintain excellent brushing and flossing habits. Cleanings at the dentist are also essential. Depending on your cavity risk, you may need more than two cleanings a year.
Diabetes & gum disease reinforce each other
For people with diabetes, gum disease is the most common dental disease. Around 22% of those with diabetes get gum disease. When you get gum disease, which is an infection, it can cause your blood sugar to rise. This makes your diabetes harder to control.
Diabetes can cause dry mouth
Many people with diabetes also struggle with dry mouth. The disease itself can cause your mouth to produce less saliva, while many medications for diabetes also have dry mouth as a side effect. Without enough saliva to wash off plaque and food debris from your teeth, you’re more vulnerable to cavities.
Maintain great oral health at Springs Village Dentistry in Holly Springs, NC
Managing your diabetes is important for good overall health and good oral health! To counter the negative effects of the disease, drink enough water, brush, floss, and visit the dentist for regular cleanings and exams. If you have any questions about our services or want to schedule an appointment with Dr. Moore or Dr. Molta, please contact us today!